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questions or comments. Customer & Industry Expert Comments...
I have been going to the local Y for years and always had trouble with any
squats, not to mention heavy squats, because I had a tendency to lean
forward when squatting I do not have a lot of padding on my neck and
I feared the bar was going to slip off my back and pull my arms backwards
and the bar slide down my back and using a pad on the bar just made it
worse, it pushed the bar further back. This caused great stress on my lower
back trying to hold the weight and it increased my fears greatly. THEN THE "
Y" GOT A MANTA RAY. No more back pain, my back could stay straight, no more
leaning forward and what a secure feeling. I went up 100 lbs immediately
after I started using it and no fear of losing the bar. I could concentrate
on the squat. Improved my form immediately. Once I lost my grip on the bar
and was able to balance the bar just with the manta ray. Great product. I am
now squatting 475 with absolutely no neck issues. Couldn't, and
wouldn't squat at any weight, without it.
Carlo C.
Boulder, CO
I used the Manta Ray all through my high school years playing football Could I squat without a Manta Ray? Of course. Did I? No. I haven't been squatting in years for the same reason most everybody else doesn't. They're hard, painful, and a big pain in the neck. I take my lifting fairly seriously and I could tell I was lacking something. That thing was the "king of all exercises." We've all heard that "If you don't squat, you don't really lift." I truly believe this, and I am glad I am squatting again. Squat day is actually my favorite lift day of the week now. Thank you. -Tony Smith Hi It's very rare indeed for me to be so impressed with a product that I'll bother to write the manufacturer and tell them so, but I just had to express my appreciation for this simple, amazing product.
A number of years ago I was diagnosed with degenerative disk
disease. Several of the disks in my neck were deteriorating,
which resulted in temporary impingement of some nerves and
consequent pain and partial paralysis in certain muscles. With
lots of physical therapy and time the symptoms eased and I was
able to return to the gym about a year ago, though I assumed my
days of serious lifting were over.
Recently I tried to get under the bar for the first time since
my return. I have very large traps so I'd never had any
discomfort squatting in the past, but now I was unable to even
get into position under the bar without tremendous discomfort to
my neck and delts. I was about to give up when I saw a Manta Ray
on the floor. I'd always eschewed sleeves and pads, but I
figured it was worth a try. The moment I lifted the weight using
the Manta Ray I was amazed at how comfortable it was. It was a
bit of an adjustment to have the weight spread evenly on my
traps for the first time, but it made a world of difference. I
could squat without any problem! My center of gravity was
further backward than I was used to, but that made it even
easier to balance at the bottom of the movement. What a
remarkable innovation this seemingly simple piece of equipment
Thank you for giving me back my squat!
Michael S. Felmar, Esq.
I am 41 years old and have been
training since I was 13. I did not begin doing squats until I was
in my late teens but hated them because of the pain the bar caused
on my neck. I was always very strong with my legs but would take
squats in and out of my regular routine because of the discomfort.
Over the years, I tried every bar pad out there. Some made it
harder to do a squat and maintain proper form, others didn’t help at
all. Then I discovered the Manta Ray. From the first time I used
it I knew that I had found the answer. I found it prior to my first
natural bodybuilding competition over 11 years ago. I have now had
that one Manta Ray for over 11 years now and am a testament to
healthy living and hard training. With the help of the Manta Ray, I
have terrific leg development and pound for pound, my legs are
stronger than anyone else I see in the gym. People think I am 25
years old. I am 5’6” tall, weigh 155lbs and with the help of the
Manta Ray squat 405lbs for sets of 8. This is 100% drug free! I
can also attest to the quality of the product because I have owned
mine for over 11 years and it still looks like new. It gets tossed
around the gym, I encourage others to use it and I promote the
product all the time. My local YMCA will be ordering one soon!
Thank you for a Raymond Gendreau ANBC Colonial Classic Overall Champion
Fall River, MA
This is my second Manta Ray (lost mine at the base gym). great product. I have a spinal cord injury with a metal plate attached to my spinal column. Your product has allowed me to do squats safely and pain free! Everyone who has tried it is amazed. It allows you to concentrate on the exercise... Thanks, Steve I got my Manta Ray yesterday,
I must say when I got the little box in the mail,
I thought there is no way this thing is big enough to help me.
But I tried it this morning and it was fantastic. I wish I had
bought it years ago when I first saw it on the web, but I never saw
anyone actually use one in the gym so I put it off. Now I can do
more squats because the bar does not tear up my neck and shoulders.
Its a great product, much better than an ordinary pad.
Manta Ray and Sting Ray
I have owned
both for a few months now. What do I notice when using
them? Nothing! That's the point; all I have to think about is working my legs, not about how the bar is hurting me. All my friends who have tried my Manta Ray agree that it really helps (none of them do front squats, so they had no comment on the Sting Ray). I also do Smith machine calf raises using the Manta Ray.
Thanks for
two excellent products.
Gene M.
Dear Advanced Fitness,
Your product has changed my
perspective of leg workouts entirely, and for that I thank you. Though I have
been body building for quite some time, squatting heavy was never my fortè
due to poor form and a tall figure; if the pressure was not on the balls of my
feet, it was on my lower back and neck. Due to said pressure, a neck strain
began to develop which ultimately forced me to take a week off from
weight training.
During my recovery I came to
the conclusion that "feeling the burn" during squats should not
be this antagonizing, and thus I discovered your product. Having received and
tested such a device, I can safely comment that the Manta Ray is the most
valuable piece of gear for squatting, bar none.
Within the first week of using the
product my form began to improve, with less of an emphasis on whether or
not I was squatting correctly and more of an emphasis on the intensity of
the exercise. The wide stance to which I had become
accustomed grew narrow, and the range of motion during the
exercise increased dramatically. I could now squat with confidence
and precision, for leg day was no longer a day to be feared!
In short, my sincerest thanks
is extended to you. Without your product, the incredible gains I have made
performing squats would never have been possible, and I would have most likely
given up squatting ages ago if it wasn't for the Manta Ray. You have
truly discovered the catalyst for the perfect squat.
Best Regards,
B. P. Rosenbloom
"The Manta Ray is truly a revolutionary and unique product. It is THE ONLY product on
you very much for creating the "MANTA RAY". I just finished
using it for the first time, and I can't tell you how pleased I am
with it after one day. I did more sets, reps and weight. It
is very comfortable. I don't like to work out very much unless I
can do heavy (for me at age 58) squats (the best overall exercise) and
calf raises. The stress on the wrists, elbows, shoulders, neck, knees,
hips and back were too much before I used the "MANTA
RAY". The "MANTA RAY" forces you to do these
exercises in a more correct manner. With no stress you can
concentrate on doing the movement correctly and don't have to fight the bar
to keep it in the right place, and I didn't have to worry as much about
keeping my balance. I can't wait for my next leg day. I also found
it very good for doing windmills with a bar. The "MANTA RAY"
and a good lifting belt are the 2 most important things anyone who works out
can own.. Thank you again for the most innovative
product I have ever used, in over 40 years of working out. Also thanks
to Dr. Frederick C. Hatfield for recommending the "MANTA RAY".
I may have just bought a bar pad and not gained anything, except maybe a
little comfort had it not been for all the positive feedback, especially from
"Dr. Squat".
I MAY NOT KNOW DIDDLEY... BUT I KNOW SQUAT! Frederick C. Hatfield, Ph.D., MSS International Sports Sciences Association Click here for the complete article.Return to Hatfield Home Page
Squatting With The Manta Ray®
I had been away from lifting and just got started
again and crushed by back and shoulders with only 180 lbs.
Just received the Manta Ray and Sting Ray combo.
WOW! Now I can feel the leg muscles working and NO PAIN! I'm
very happy to have found your product, thank you.
Manta Ray is great! I've been lifting my entire life,
and at 41 nothing is Many thanks, John M. (NY) Subj: wow, mantaray To whom it may concern, Thank you!! ~ I'd like to take a second to rave about the manta ray... [From a post on the misc.fitness.weights newsgroup Oct. 29, 1997] I also got a new Sting Ray. Just brilliant, creative thinking! Great to see something so simple to work so well. Before the SR, the other front squat device was about $160, and really cumbersome. I use both: Start off with the SR then more onto the MR. Don't think that blue-plastic string thingy is gonna last, though... Dan Duchaine, [Editor's note (mid 2001...) The string thingy lasts!]
[7/19/01] Dear Mark, Hello! Dear Advanced Fitness, Inc. Our kids have found that the Manta Ray takes the pain off their back & shoulders & transfers it to their legs. They have also found that once positioned properly the Manta Ray forces them to do their squats with only perfect form. As a coach I feel it is simple to use & a very safe & beneficial tool. Steve Carroll I have recently purchased the Manta Ray through Larry Scott and it has worked very nicely in my squatting routine. The Manta Ray distributes the weight through out my shoulders which allows me to concentrate more on my exercise and not the discomfort of the bar digging into my shoulders. There is one point I disagree on. You claim it may take 2 -3 weeks to find your groove. It took me one set and I believe anyone who performs squats on a regular basis would feel the same. Thank You. Dear Sirs, Don H. I am now in my 44th year as a football coach. The Manta Ray is one of the very best items my teams have ever used. Dear Mr. Pittroff: I felt compelled to write your company to tell you that I have been very pleased with the results I have achieved using the Manta Ray. Before I started to use the Manta Ray, I hated to do squats. The bar across my back constantly caused pain. Wrapping a towel around the bar helped reduce the pain but, I constantly worried about being centered under the weight and the bar's position on my back. Now that I use the Manta Ray, I can concentrate on my form and not worry about my positioning or pain. My lifting partners have tried the Manta Ray and have all purchased it for themselves. Kristopher L. Comment = I utilized a "Manta Ray" last weekend in a high school weight room during a wrestling tournament and have never imagined that a single piece of equipment could make such a loathed
exercise feel so incredible. Burn to failure is completely possible with out the association of Pain TO Failure concept. Great invention, someone DESERVES to be a millionaire!!!! M.W.
Thank-you! This is a wonderful product... I'm surprised more gyms do not have them...
however, I am so sold on this that I am buying one for my own personal use!!! Kenneth B.
I have worked out with a manta-ray several times and totally enjoy it, Mark, Thank you for your product. I own a Manta-Ray already The guy I was squatting with yesterday had the Manta Ray. I was
squatting Michael G. Subj: Manta Ray product... I had used the subject product at a local gym and appreciated it Monte M. Subj: I love it... Aloha, Dear
Sir: I
have very recently purchased the MANTA RAY SQUAT. And,
would like to Today
was my first day that I squated using the Manta Ray, and was not able If
I can say it in one statement, I t would be: " Thank You kindly for Yours
I got my Manta Ray today and I will make this short and sweet, Click here to send us questions or comments.